Diamond News >> Know the Four C’s of an Engagement Ring
It is important to do some research before buying an Engagement ring. Decide ahead of time on a budget and what type of ring you desire to purchase. A diamond’s cost is based on the characteristics known as the “4 C’s”.
Cut: This refers to the precision in which the diamond was cut and finished as well as its proportions. The cut of a diamond is it’s most important attribute in determining if the diamond will sparkle with brilliant life or look dull and cloudy. This should not be confused with the shape of the diamond (round, princess, pear…)
Color: The Gemological Institute of America rates the color of white diamonds from D (colorless; ideal) to Z (light yellow). When looking a the color of a diamond great value can be had by purchasing diamonds in the near colorless range (G, H, I, J).
Clarity: A factor in grading diamonds that refers to the amount and size of flaws, known as inclusions in the diamond. Every diamond will have inclusions. How many and the color and where they are located give the diamond it’s clarity rating. All full diamonds certificates will grade the clarity of a diamond by a clarity rating and show a plot of the location of the inclusions.
Carat: The weight of the diamond. Generally this determines the size of the diamond but does refer to how much the diamond weighs.
More detailed diamond 4 C’s information can be found here.